Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model Fitting (bibtex)
by M Wimmer, S Pietzsch, F Stulp and B Radig
Model-based image interpretation extracts high-level information from images using a priori knowledge about the object of interest. The computational challenge is to determine the model parameters that best match a given image by searching for the global optimum of the involved objective function. Unfortunately, this function is usually designed manually, based on implicit and domain-dependent knowledge, which prevents the fitting task from yielding accurate results. In this paper, we demonstrate how to improve model fitting by learning objective functions from annotated training images. Our approach automates many critical decisions and the remaining manual steps hardly require domain-dependent knowledge. This yields more robust objective functions that are able to achieve the accurate model fit. Our evaluation uses a publicly available image database and compares the obtained results to a recent state-of-the-art approach.
Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model Fitting (M Wimmer, S Pietzsch, F Stulp and B Radig), In Proceedings of the 29th DAGM Symposium, volume 1, 2007. 
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {M Wimmer and S Pietzsch and F Stulp and B Radig},
 title = {Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th {DAGM} Symposium},
 year = {2007},
 volume = {1},
 pages = {486--496},
 address = {Heidelberg, Germany},
 month = {sep},
 abstract = {Model-based image interpretation extracts high-level information from
	images using a priori knowledge about the object of interest. The
	computational challenge is to determine the model parameters that
	best match a given image by searching for the global optimum of the
	involved objective function. Unfortunately, this function is usually
	designed manually, based on implicit and domain-dependent knowledge,
	which prevents the fitting task from yielding accurate results. In
	this paper, we demonstrate how to improve model fitting by learning
	objective functions from annotated training images. Our approach
	automates many critical decisions and the remaining manual steps
	hardly require domain-dependent knowledge. This yields more robust
	objective functions that are able to achieve the accurate model fit.
	Our evaluation uses a publicly available image database and compares
	the obtained results to a recent state-of-the-art approach.},
 keywords = {facial expressions},
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Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model Fitting (bibtex)
Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model Fitting (bibtex)
by M Wimmer, S Pietzsch, F Stulp and B Radig
Model-based image interpretation extracts high-level information from images using a priori knowledge about the object of interest. The computational challenge is to determine the model parameters that best match a given image by searching for the global optimum of the involved objective function. Unfortunately, this function is usually designed manually, based on implicit and domain-dependent knowledge, which prevents the fitting task from yielding accurate results. In this paper, we demonstrate how to improve model fitting by learning objective functions from annotated training images. Our approach automates many critical decisions and the remaining manual steps hardly require domain-dependent knowledge. This yields more robust objective functions that are able to achieve the accurate model fit. Our evaluation uses a publicly available image database and compares the obtained results to a recent state-of-the-art approach.
Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model Fitting (M Wimmer, S Pietzsch, F Stulp and B Radig), In Proceedings of the 29th DAGM Symposium, volume 1, 2007. 
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {M Wimmer and S Pietzsch and F Stulp and B Radig},
 title = {Learning Robust Objective Functions with Application to Face Model
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th {DAGM} Symposium},
 year = {2007},
 volume = {1},
 pages = {486--496},
 address = {Heidelberg, Germany},
 month = {sep},
 abstract = {Model-based image interpretation extracts high-level information from
	images using a priori knowledge about the object of interest. The
	computational challenge is to determine the model parameters that
	best match a given image by searching for the global optimum of the
	involved objective function. Unfortunately, this function is usually
	designed manually, based on implicit and domain-dependent knowledge,
	which prevents the fitting task from yielding accurate results. In
	this paper, we demonstrate how to improve model fitting by learning
	objective functions from annotated training images. Our approach
	automates many critical decisions and the remaining manual steps
	hardly require domain-dependent knowledge. This yields more robust
	objective functions that are able to achieve the accurate model fit.
	Our evaluation uses a publicly available image database and compares
	the obtained results to a recent state-of-the-art approach.},
 keywords = {facial expressions},
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