Automatic Generation of Image Analysis Programs (bibtex)
by M Herrmann, C Mayer and B Radig
Automatic Generation of Image Analysis Programs (M Herrmann, C Mayer and B Radig), In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Pleiades Publishing, volume 24, 2014. 
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {M Herrmann and C Mayer and B Radig},
 title = {Automatic Generation of Image Analysis Programs},
 journal = {Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis},
 year = {2014},
 volume = {24},
 pages = {400-408},
 number = {3},
 doi = {10.1134/S1054661814030079},
 issn = {1054-6618},
 keywords = {automatic programming; inductive programming; generate-and-search;
	machine learning; computer vision; image analysis; object detection},
 language = {English},
 publisher = {Pleiades Publishing},
 url = {},
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Automatic Generation of Image Analysis Programs (bibtex)
Automatic Generation of Image Analysis Programs (bibtex)
by M Herrmann, C Mayer and B Radig
Automatic Generation of Image Analysis Programs (M Herrmann, C Mayer and B Radig), In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Pleiades Publishing, volume 24, 2014. 
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {M Herrmann and C Mayer and B Radig},
 title = {Automatic Generation of Image Analysis Programs},
 journal = {Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis},
 year = {2014},
 volume = {24},
 pages = {400-408},
 number = {3},
 doi = {10.1134/S1054661814030079},
 issn = {1054-6618},
 keywords = {automatic programming; inductive programming; generate-and-search;
	machine learning; computer vision; image analysis; object detection},
 language = {English},
 publisher = {Pleiades Publishing},
 url = {},
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